June 2016


The Worst Website Outages of All Time

It has become common knowledge that website downtime equates to disaster, but that doesn’t stop it from happening. Businesses from the small start-ups to the large Fortune 500’s have experienced website downtime in one form or another over the past years. Unfortunately, website downtime doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. Here are some of the worst website outages of all time, showing you how they affected both businesses and consumers alike.


Do You Need to Worry About DoS/DDos Attacks Taking Your Site Offline?

At one point or another we have all encountered the phrase “DDoS attack.” Usually it’s associated with a high-profile site being brought down by an individual or organization that is intent on bringing the site down. When you think about a DDoS attack, chances are you think that it’s something that other websites are at risk of and not something you yourself have to worry about. The facts couldn’t be further from the truth.