Alertra Script Language 1.9


Protocol command that initiates an ICMP test of the last host passed to the dns command. If all packets fail to be returned by the host, an error will be generated.

The ping command sets the following global variables:

  • LAST_PING_DELAY - the average time response time of all ping packets.
  • LAST_PING_BADPACKETS - the number of packets that were not acknowledged by the host.

usage: ping [count] [badpercent] [maxdelayavg]


req name type description
N count expression Number of ping packets to send to the server. Default is 15.
N badpercent expression Percentage of packets that can be bad before an error is generated.
N maxdelayavg expression Maximum average packet delay before an error is generated.



Performs an ICMP test of the last host passed to the dns command by sending 15 ping packets.

ping "5"

Performs an ICMP test of the last host passed to the dns command by sending 5 ping packets.

ping "30" "70"

Performs an ICMP test of the last host passed to the dns command by sending 100 ping packets. If 70% or greater of those packets are bad, then an error will be generated.

ping "10" "100" "50"

Performs an ICMP test of the last host passed to the dns command by sending 100 ping packets. If all of the packets are bad (100%) an error will be generated. If the average packet delay is greater than 50ms, an error will be generated.

Alertra Script Language: Language Reference