Alertra Script Language 1.9


Interacts with a POP3 server to perform the following functions: connect, msgcount, and clear.

usage: pop3 [operation] [user] [password] [options]


req name type description
Y operation keyword One of:
  • connect: Initiates a connection to the POP server
  • msgcount: Returns the current number of messages in the mailbox; count is placed in $CONTENT.
  • clear: Tells the POP server to delete all the messages in the mailbox
Y user expression Login ID of user's mailbox
Y password expression Password for the user's mailbox
N options list Available options are:
  • ssl Use secure connection (SSL)


pop3 connect "joe" "garage"

Establishes a connection to the server and logs in.

pop3 msgcount $USER $PASS

Assuming $USER contains "jack" and $PASS contains "beanstalk", this command will log into the POP server, query it for the the current number of messages in the inbox and place that number in $CONTENT.

pop3 clear "jill" "beanstalk"

Logs into the POP3 server and deletes all the messages in the account's inbox.

pop3 connect "joe" "garage" ssl

Establishes a secure connection to the server and logs in.

Alertra Script Language: Language Reference