
Five Easy Ways to Increase Your Website Uptime

In the past we’ve talked about downtime and the havoc it can wreak on your company’s profits. We’ve discussed planning for downtime and even changing web hosts. There are, however, other measures that you can take to increase your website’s uptime – measures that we have yet to go into detail about. Here are some tips to help you maintain that precious website uptime and minimize the downtime your website experiences.

1. Increase the Speed of Your Ethernet Connection

When it comes to accessing the Web from home or work you know that faster is better. After all, who in their right mind would use dial-up in today’s day and age? Well, it’s not just your connection to the Internet that you need to worry about – your website’s connection to the Internet matters as well.

Most companies utilize a network that runs at 10Gbit/sec. What’s the problem with that speed? IEEE is evaluated using a 40Gbit/sec speed. If you don’t know what speed your website is connected at, it’s best to find out now rather than later when problems ensue. A faster connection to the Internet can mean better performance and less website downtime.

2. Support Caching of Data

If your site doesn’t support caching of data that is frequently accessed, you’re just asking for performance issues. There are a number of CMS packages that support the caching of data, but make sure you’re careful with what data you cache. Dynamic data isn’t the best to work with when it comes to this type of performance boost.

3. Program for Traffic Spikes

Creating a website in today’s Internet age isn’t as easy as putting up some simple HTML pages. You need to program your site properly – and that means programming it to handle traffic spikes. Much of today’s programming puts speed ahead of reliability. While speed is important, customers are likely to disappear if your site is consistently unreliable. Make sure your site is programmed properly to ensure website performance and website uptime congruously.

Remember, maximum uptime is the goal. Achieving that uptime isn’t a one-size-fits-all process or a single step that you can take. It’s a puzzle and putting all of the pieces of the puzzle to work for you is what is going to minimize the downtime your website experiences.