February 2016


4 Tips to Maximize Your Website Uptime

By now you know that website downtime is detrimental to your business and its profits. While downtime isn’t completely avoidable, this doesn’t mean that you should take outages of your website laying down. If you’re serious about the success of your site and maximizing your website’s profits, you need to make sure you take proper action to minimize anything that poses a threat to those profits and take advantage of services that can help maximize uptime. Here are four tips to help you maximize your website uptime and protect your profits from dreaded website outages.


How Much Business Will Your Company Lose During a Website Outage?

There are few things in life that are considered to be unavoidable certainties. Death and taxes are the top of these unavoidable certainties that people usually imagine when they begin to consider the things that just can’t be avoided. Another certainty that affects everyone and anyone who does business online is website downtime and the resulting loss of business and profits that go along with said downtime. The question is, exactly how much business will your company lose when your website goes down?


When Good Sites Go Bad: The Most Frustrating Website Outages of 2015

Every site, no matter how big or small, is prone to website downtime. With 2016 beginning and 2015 becoming a memory, it’s time to review the biggest website downtime blunders of the past year. These examples of website downtime prove just how frustrating downtime can be for your customers (and the world in general) and just how damaging downtime episodes can be to a website’s reputation and profits.


The Top 7 Causes of Website Downtime: Why No Website Is Immune

You put a lot of time and effort into the design and SEO of your website, but preventing website downtime? It’s not something you really worry about. After all, you have your ducks in a row. Your site is one of those that are pretty much immune to bouts of unplanned website downtime. Or is it? If you think your website can’t succumb to at least one of the many risks that can cause serious bouts of dreaded downtime, there are a few things you need to consider.